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Bible Anonymous  18/02/24 Вск 03:29:18 124249 1
Q4k3FXZqZGo.jpg 164Кб, 483x604
4qLNVNXOgC4.jpg 29Кб, 604x392
iOrMhK0RHxU.jpg 152Кб, 1024x689
Why do the West love ISIS, Nazis and LGBT so much?
I think the reason lies in your most important book.
Anonymous  18/02/24 Вск 19:38:54 124250 2
nfkrz.png 989Кб, 1016x676
>>124249 (OP)
Yup, the "imaginary collective entity West" is run by Zerg's Overmind in Washington DC or Langley Virginia.
Like Russians believe that every European Union country is the same. They will have a nasty surprise here.
Anonymous  19/02/24 Пнд 23:55:24 124259 3
Anonymous  21/02/24 Срд 10:24:32 124276 4
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