/int/ - samovar
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samovar Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 00:27:17 121967 1
8d48810baeb502d[...].jpg 114Кб, 780x1049
Do you own one of these?
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 06:42:45 121976 2
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 07:39:53 121981 3
>>121967 (OP)
Of course. Every russian has samovar along with fur coat and ushanka since his birth. For most prominent russians they give silver and golden samovars.
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 07:40:38 121982 4
16994269050760.png 2305Кб, 1380x929
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 08:03:27 121983 5
Do they really give samovars instead of trophies...
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 10:29:39 121987 6
>>121967 (OP)
У меня есть целая блядская коллекция.
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 11:35:54 121995 7
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 13:08:43 121996 8
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 13:18:41 121997 9
>>121967 (OP)
Last one I had like in 1995 and that was actually electrical kettle in disguise. Maybe some people in remote villages still have them, I am not sure that anyone else uses them, they are fire hazard because original samovar uses wood chips to burn and boil water. Electrical one in my opinion too electrical for samovar and too unwieldy for electrical kettle.
My balalaika still ok tho
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 16:50:52 122015 10
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 20:02:59 122016 11
do you really wear shoes indoors, creature
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 10:10:39 122026 12
two actually
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 22:49:36 122043 13
kettle.png 399Кб, 1364x935
which is the most probable to be a fire hazard?

the original samovar that uses wood chips?
or eletric one imitating one

I have a Russell Hobbs electric kettle from pic related. It's way better that having a kettle using gas stove specially a poor country with expensive consumer piped -natural gas or propane or butane gas cylinder. But you have to buy a good one, not one from Chinese stores that some even heat water and smell bad.

Russell Hobbs Slice Toaster is also great
Anonymous  15/11/23 Срд 11:12:38 122058 14
>which is the most probable to be a fire hazard?
The original of course. It is basically coal or wood filled tube surrounded by water tank, knock it down accidently and you have a fire, loose some sparks through top opening and you have a fire. Generally you don't want to use it indoors, and if you reeeally do want that sweet indoor teaaussy, you stick chimney onto samovar and into window and operate samovar with caution not inlike one with wood stove.
Thats why there are mostly electric ones in cities, but, again, electric one is just glorified kettle, and they are rare because no one bothers with them.
Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 20:53:56 122161 15
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 08:03:23 124989 16
Рофлишь так?
samovarsam + varit'
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 13:25:25 124999 17
>>121967 (OP)
This beautiful shit is more of a cultural le souvenir.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:03:38 125040 18
Speak for yourself, I often boil some vodka in samovar for my bear, he plays balalaika better when drunk.
Anonymous  10/04/24 Срд 15:39:31 125593 19
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Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 02:16:10 125791 20
image.png 761Кб, 720x530
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 12:26:27 125892 21
>>121967 (OP)
I think I have a miniature souvenir version somewhere. Not sure if it’s functional.
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