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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
How is the paperwork going? You are probably already moving your critical equipment out of Petsamo a Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 22:53:22 119641 Ответ
126A8210-D70A-4[...].jpeg 72Кб, 828x564
How is the paperwork going? You are probably already moving your critical equipment out of Petsamo and Karelia?
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3 с картинками.
Пропущено 1 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  24/08/23 Чтв 13:58:16 119659
>>119641 (OP)
The Chukhonians should leave Sortaval Kurkieki.

"This is not a Finnish city": the head of Karelia proposed to rename Sortavala to Serdobol

The head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov made a proposal to return the historical names of the settlements of the republic. In his opinion, Sortavala has no relation to Finland and should bear the original name of Serdobol. At the same time, Parfenchik proposed to rename Kurkieki to Kuryazh.

The head of the Republic of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov proposed to rename Sortavala. According to the head of the region, it would be more appropriate to call the city Serdobol, reports FederalPress. He announced his proposal during the awarding ceremony of the participants of the SVO.

Anonymous  24/08/23 Чтв 17:32:43 119665
IMG9166.jpeg 6Кб, 259x194
Russia is panicking.

We haven't even started. You can change names even 20 times, it won't change anything. You will be destroyed.
Anonymous  25/08/23 Птн 09:26:33 119687
16792021721060.png 322Кб, 767x496
Last time when Russia was in a panic, it took away half of the country from you. In the next panic attack, she will take away the other half.
Anonymous  25/08/23 Птн 10:17:42 119688
Every time orc writes something he embarrasses himself. Try to get even one thing right next time.
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 14:05:07 124851
>>119641 (OP)
Very funny thread, considering how many Finnish officers quit every week for fear of losing their legs and arms.
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 20:50:05 124647 Ответ
ScooterinMoscow[...].jpg 33Кб, 500x375
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow
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17 с картинками.
Пропущено 13 постов, 17 с картинками.
Anonymous  17/03/24 Вск 00:48:13 124698
15219151597654.webm 1136Кб, 450x360, 00:00:23
Anonymous  17/03/24 Вск 01:18:40 124699
15092267915471.webm 6632Кб, 320x240, 00:02:20
Anonymous  17/03/24 Вск 01:29:23 124702
15063521214020.webm 5580Кб, 480x360, 00:01:15
Propaganda for Americanization.
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 22:06:21 124756
17076513982770.mp4 17555Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:16
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 11:53:29 124839
Who's that? I see pictures of him all the time. Some other attentionwhore from /soc/?
The French please answer me 2 questions: 1. How did it happen that your country turned into a stinki Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 09:52:24 124836 Ответ
VID202403172108[...].mp4 7666Кб, 576x1280, 00:00:24
VID202403081909[...].mp4 5462Кб, 480x852, 00:00:36
The French please answer me 2 questions:
1. How did it happen that your country turned into a stinking dump?
2. If you defeat us, will our country turn into something similar?
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 09:53:37 124837
VID202402071744[...].mp4 10621Кб, 720x976, 00:00:21
France 5.mp4 6182Кб, 360x640, 00:00:47
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 09:55:08 124838
Paris rats.mp4 2012Кб, 576x782, 00:00:14
France Marseille.mp4 3463Кб, 720x960, 00:00:18
France 3.mp4 2548Кб, 480x848, 00:00:12
Finland's national hero Mannerheim was a homosexual degenerate and a pedophile. He probably sucked H Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 20:10:11 124617 Ответ
F-GBE0gWMAE9bUD.png 422Кб, 618x505
Finland's national hero Mannerheim was a homosexual degenerate and a pedophile. He probably sucked Hitler's dick.
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4 с картинками.
Пропущено 4 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  13/03/24 Срд 08:10:26 124627
>>124617 (OP)
Well pidor and pidor, he was gayropean, it is common there.
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 00:04:19 124730
>>124617 (OP)
Finns as a nation in its entirety sucked Hitler's dick, so he was no different from his people.
Anonymous  21/03/24 Чтв 00:27:12 124801
Anonymous  21/03/24 Чтв 07:26:18 124807
Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 05:05:14 124835
>>124617 (OP)
>Finland's national hero Mannerheim was a homosexual degenerate and a pedophile
And former Russian Empire general-leutenant.
Does anyone know the name of this song? Anonymous  20/03/24 Срд 01:14:16 124758 Ответ
168332310856073[...].mp4 8397Кб, 464x848, 00:00:58
Does anyone know the name of this song?
Anonymous  20/03/24 Срд 02:11:52 124759
Thoughts? Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 20:47:46 124754 Ответ
Без имени-1.jpg 252Кб, 1600x960
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 21:59:52 124755
image.png 1458Кб, 1200x800
Chuvash is literally "the dudes"
What do russianbros think of Dostoevsky? Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 00:23:11 124731 Ответ
IMG7789.jpeg 3785Кб, 3200x4000
What do russianbros think of Dostoevsky?
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 01:49:33 124732
>>124731 (OP)
Pop, which teachers give students to read in the summer.
The tip of the Iceberg of Russian literature.
Try reading Ivan Bunin. Some of his genius cannot be translated into other languages. It's just impossible.
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 13:20:42 124741
Which of his books would you personally recommend me? Any other worthy authors beside the obvious mainstream choices?
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 14:14:01 124743
He wrote his most brilliant thing when he was losing his money in Baden-Baden. The rest of the time he made ends meet as a freelance writer. I believe that the writer from the series Californication was mainly based on it. In general, the most romantic life
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 15:59:14 124746
Темные аллеи (Bunin considered it his best work)
Легкое дыхание
Митина любовь
Господин из Сан-Франциско
Жизнь Арсеньева
I haven't read the others yet.
Bunin seems deceptively simple, but it is not, I don't know if it is possible to transfer this peculiarity to Czech. But I'm sure the Slavic languages have not gotten that far apart.
Hey, Elphs! Did you forget? We can repeat! Anonymous  17/03/24 Вск 18:06:33 124714 Ответ
IMAGE 2024-03-1[...].jpg 55Кб, 473x548
17106841803660.jpg 403Кб, 979x1024
Hey, Elphs! Did you forget? We can repeat!
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 09:19:33 124737
16895033929040.png 287Кб, 607x436
16895035776730.png 99Кб, 499x376
saviour 2.jpg 313Кб, 1047x1499
saviour.jpg 205Кб, 838x1056
Now it's a liberator thread.
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 09:20:43 124738
you behave.jpg 89Кб, 466x661
десант.jpg 135Кб, 738x492
за що.webp 97Кб, 604x403
корова нато.jpg 200Кб, 1000x753
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 09:21:51 124739
космонавт.jpg 110Кб, 611x604
кувалда.png 949Кб, 811x730
пенетрировай на[...].jpg 165Кб, 849x653
письмо.jpg 418Кб, 1440x1080
LOL at Western media and its propaganda. Anonymous  18/03/24 Пнд 23:17:47 124729 Ответ
lolatwesternmed[...].png 683Кб, 1245x552
LOL at Western media and its propaganda.
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 01:52:34 124733
1710782440396302.jpg 182Кб, 700x848
Anonymous  19/03/24 Втр 01:59:09 124734
Don't worry, we'll discuss everything there with you. The main thing is to separate politics and cultural topics in this international section. Otherwise you'll just get banned.
lol Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 21:53:29 124649 Ответ
171051013693487[...].mp4 3186Кб, 640x360, 00:01:16
Пропущено 14 постов
14 с картинками.
Пропущено 13 постов, 14 с картинками.
Anonymous  16/03/24 Суб 19:50:48 124689
17105980750233.jpg 4059Кб, 2736x3648
17105980750022.jpg 645Кб, 1200x1600
17105980749961.jpg 3666Кб, 2700x3600
17105980749750.jpg 3998Кб, 2608x3942
Anonymous  16/03/24 Суб 19:51:52 124690
17105973944693.jpg 4556Кб, 2096x4608
17105973944412.jpg 2085Кб, 2047x2286
17105973944301.jpg 3293Кб, 3000x3000
17105973944200.png 975Кб, 956x1165
Anonymous  16/03/24 Суб 19:53:25 124691
17105975231482.jpg 5010Кб, 2080x4624
17105975230820.jpg 621Кб, 960x1280
17105978766490.jpg 11563Кб, 8160x6120
17073266394850.mp4 2629Кб, 576x576, 00:00:30
Anonymous  16/03/24 Суб 21:00:47 124693
17101798584180.jpg 83Кб, 402x600
16/03/24 Суб 22:27:02 124694
Bleat faggots, open write access up to b Anonymous  16/03/24 Суб 03:00:23 124662 Ответ
Soap.mp4 2426Кб, 320x240, 00:00:46
Молодойсгеморро[...].mp4 6516Кб, 640x360, 00:00:46
Старыйсгитарой.mp4 24564Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:57
At least for Romanian ip.
di International Gastronomy, Cuisine, Oenology, Food and Drinks General Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 00:59:16 124359 Ответ
395173875104265[...].jpg 602Кб, 1440x1440
407431719106605[...].jpg 307Кб, 1152x2048
242589743101578[...].jpg 72Кб, 828x621
429642100182225[...].jpg 309Кб, 1440x1585
In accordance to 2ch's global rule 2, don't post photos with metadata or info about your daily routine that allow you or others to be doxxed.

- gastronomy, culinary (including recipes), oenology (wines), beers, etc.
- restaurants and dishes sugestions
- what you or average countryman would normally eat
- person eats in university or workplace canteen
- food costs
- etc
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4 с картинками.
Пропущено 6 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  27/02/24 Втр 22:30:15 124397
>those photos I've posted aren't mine. are from a local radio sports commentator team driving around the country, are just ilustrative of dishes eaten in some restaurants here.
He is your e-boyfriend or smth ?
Anonymous  29/02/24 Чтв 00:59:07 124407
"if a Russian stops thinking about gay stuff, first check his arterial pulse." - European Resuscitation Council guidelines 2021
Anonymous  29/02/24 Чтв 06:14:27 124410
Correct adverb is
Not fish, not meat, but uncle's Taras piece of dick
Anonymous  01/03/24 Птн 09:45:39 124441
котокролик.jpg 8Кб, 200x192
Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 22:17:39 124650
Leitao1bMelhor.mp4 12014Кб, 960x540, 00:01:08
leitaoparte2.mp4 9627Кб, 720x540, 00:01:07
leitaoparte3b.mp4 10868Кб, 720x540, 00:01:18
leitao2.png 708Кб, 613x938
There's a speciality in the Center of continental Portugal - that is "Roasted suckling piglet - Bairrada's way" [Leitão assado à moda da Bairrada] The piglet is killing before stop sucking its mother boobs.

110-130 euros - a entire roasted piglet (weighting 4,5kg - 5kg)

depends on the restaurant and "companies" only specialised in selling take-away leitão. suposedly there are Spaniards having second doubts of this leitão being better or worse than Segovia suckling piglet that it's killed way younger.
Moving to Russia Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 16:33:38 124614 Ответ
background.jpg 287Кб, 1920x1200
I need suggestions on how to act in Russia, what cultural barriers am I going to experience? I have married to a russian woman recently. (There are plenty and they are more open to intimacy, family building, more openminded about sex than locals, more readily available)

How is situation with racism in Russia? Are there many jobs in Russia? I was told that people make around the same amount of money per month (like in my region) around 30,000 rupies.

General advices are also welcome.
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 20:28:46 124623
>russian woman are now marrying pajeets
the east has fallen
Anonymous  13/03/24 Срд 22:38:01 124631
india1.png 1214Кб, 959x933
>I have married to a russian woman recently
If this isn't bait, I consider this fucked-up and put Russian Natashas alongside Ukrainian Oksanas below Brazilian whores.
Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 01:50:51 124642
Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 16:14:15 124644
>>124614 (OP)
First, you're going to be fucked anally. That's for the death of Analny(a.k.a. Navalny). That's a new "analny tax", since Putin puts taxes out all the time for everything.

Second, Natashas will fuck you relentlessly. Since you're a mambet, they will instantly become yours. That's what guys say here all the time, this is how it is.

Unfortunately, 30000 rupies is a lie... you'll have to earn only 17000 and eat from the trashcans. That's just a default life here. Yes, she'll have to eat there too, and probably become a prostitute - hence the
>more readily available

Racism is full-blown, with KKK members and Nazis freely walking around. They'll burn you on the stake, alive, if you'll even say anything in their presence.

So you still want to live here?
welcome to western europe Anonymous  14/03/24 Чтв 20:13:42 124639 Ответ
Screenshot from[...].png 207Кб, 1088x739
welcome to western europe
Can a Russian explain what's going on bere? Anonymous  23/08/23 Срд 22:11:52 119640 Ответ
Oil pool Russia.mp4 16346Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:38
Can a Russian explain what's going on bere?
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7 с картинками.
Пропущено 21 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  31/08/23 Чтв 08:15:50 119890
I know, he is dead, oil destroid his organism and he has big problem of healthy. Charld Darvin named it the netures selected.
Anonymous  05/03/24 Втр 11:48:35 124502
Somehow I don’t see NATO helping Ukraine in any way
Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 09:21:30 124521
Look like they testing how to safe crew from their warships in black sea
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 16:13:03 124613
живодер с первого видео еще жив? Живучая гнида
Anonymous  14/03/24 Чтв 09:57:55 124632
После СВО его посадят за жестокое обращение с животными в плену.
Slavs languagues Anonymous  # OP 13/02/24 Втр 11:52:04 124168 Ответ
i (58).jpeg 341Кб, 1354x1081
Славяне давайте общаться на своих языках и попробуем поговорить ккждый на своем языке. Я уверен у нас найдуться общие слова.
The Tower of Babel thread
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Пропущено 3 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  29/02/24 Чтв 15:51:28 124419
Кстати немного понятно
Сказал что то наподобие: вы про что тут говорите?
Я правильно перевел( без переводчика)
Anonymous  03/03/24 Вск 03:57:06 124464
Anonymous  11/03/24 Пнд 00:44:29 124595
11/03/24 Пнд 14:29:46 124602
1710156576545.png 48Кб, 200x199
> Ганьба, біндера, паляныця
Anonymous  13/03/24 Срд 12:11:51 124628
Finland's military xD Anonymous  11/03/24 Пнд 23:42:04 124607 Ответ
GIV0j9ObMAAmQkj.jpg 721Кб, 2048x1366
Finland's military xD
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 20:08:29 124616
battleogre.png 267Кб, 251x491
Is this battle ogre? A Finnish tank. xD
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 20:19:04 124622
are they from Putin s division ?
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 22:51:30 124626
Manyamiroque is broken, the truth goes unspoken.
I think Im gonna migrate here from kohlchan way more calm and way less porn also why do you have the Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 20:15:51 124619 Ответ
pimponi.jpg 91Кб, 1024x1019
I think Im gonna migrate here from kohlchan
way more calm and way less porn
also why do you have the cyrlics captcha on international board?
Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 22:10:52 124625
Thoughts Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 00:00:24 124608 Ответ
IMG9018.MOV 2788Кб, 640x360, 00:00:08
АХАХАХАХАХА. Иностранцы соснули. Правильно, съебите на хуй на свои доски иностранные. Нашу капчу оси Anonymous  10/03/24 Вск 06:50:34 124584 Ответ
show.png 2Кб, 256x50
АХАХАХАХАХА. Иностранцы соснули. Правильно, съебите на хуй на свои доски иностранные. Нашу капчу осилят только беларусы с казахами.
Anonymous  11/03/24 Пнд 15:13:54 124604
Так для их айпишников могли на пиндосовские букавки изменить.
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